Welcome Rakuten Technology Conference 2015 (Fukuoka Location)

New seats where added and tickets registration is available. Please, register as soon as possible before is too late. 


We are very proud to inform that this year Fukuoka Technology Conference has a lot of interesting presentations about the current trend on e-business from Rakuten Ichiba, Rakuten Travel and Rakuten Card in Fukuoka.

If you want to hear how our business are implementing the current technology, come to see our conference. We will be very happy in explain our services.

Also, come to talk with our employees in our Happy Hour. This is a place that you can enjoy food & drinks and talk with us. Please, feel free to have a nice conversation with us.

今年も福岡でやります!! 楽天テクノロジーカンファレンス2015です。

今年は、楽天市場、楽天トラベル、楽天カードなど、実際にドライブ中の最新トレンドについて、(東京からのサテライト込み込みですが) 福岡からも発信します! Web技術を中心として、主にJava EEやエンタープライズ系開発について、結構ディープにやっちゃいます。





Date / 日時

Nov. 21st, 2015, Start 10:00


Place/ 開催場所

Fukuoka Center Building 12F,
2-2-1 Hakataekimae, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City,
Fukuoka, Japan



Registration / お申込み


Procedure / お申込み手順

1. Push “REGISTER” button. / みどり色の「REGISTER」ボタンを押して・・・
2. Apply from “(Satellites) Fukuoka”. /「(Satellites) Fukuoka 福岡サテライト」からどうぞ!



Time Table /タイムテーブル

Time Location A
Location B
11:00 Java EE Applications for Transaction Services by Kota Fujita [Track A]
Talk by Yutaka Matsuo by Yutaka Matsuo
12:00 [Track A]
Fun Research in Computer Vision : from robots, sports, face to medicine by Takeo Kanade
13:00 [Track A]
Keynote by CEO by Hiroshi Mikitani
[Track A]
Keynote by CEO by Hiroshi Mikitani
14:00 Better working framework for smart device service by Shimizu Yosuke [Track B]
Rakuten Ichiba by Yoshihisa Onoue
15:00 About JavaEE and DevOPS by Nakada Hiroaki [Track E]
Rakuten Travel by Kazuhisa Naoi and Shinoda Takeshi
16:00 [Track B]
Rakuten Card by Hirofumi Iwasaki and Ameen Arshal
[Track B]
Rakuten Card by Hirofumi Iwasaki and Ameen Arshal
17:00 Closing
17:30 Lightning Talk & Happy Hour


Sessions in Fukuoka / 発表内容(福岡)


Java EE Applications for Transaction Services by Kota Fujita.

11:00〜    at Location A (Conference) in Fukuoka

Today’s e-businesses are changing very fast introducing new standards and new technologies every year. This session will explain why we selected Java EE as our platform and How we are implementing it to allow agile and safe transaction system.


Better working framework for smart device service by Yosuke Shimizu.

14:00〜    at Location A (Conference) in Fukuoka

We believe that promoting excellent synergy between business, development and operation; creating a working environment that support each area demands; and building multinational team; It is possible to have rapid and reliable development contributing for better user satisfaction and more revenue. Some of key concepts is to have 100% in house development on both the Client and Server side and to have high qualified engineers capable to do planning, development and operation. As a result, we could optimize our working framework providing better products with high quality and very good customer satisfaction.


About JavaEE and DevOPS by Hiroaki Nakada.

15:00〜    at Location A (Conference) in Fukuoka

Our system is continuing to grow and introducing new technologies is becoming our normal operation flow. This session will explain over view of our development and operation.







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